Why evil outweighs good

I lot of people believe that good, in fact, outweighs all of the evil in this world but we just focus on the evil too much.

I would disagree with this notion by agreeing that we do focus on the bad too much.

This does not mean that I think good over powers evil. I think it is so far in the other direction it isn’t even a joke.

I have a scenario which perfectly illustrates why I think evil outweighs good.


200 people are having a fundraiser in a town hall for charity. This is a good act, one of the few things people band together for to do good.

It takes 200 people to fund-raise enough money so that little Jimmy can afford life saving surgery. Let’s say this is in America, the land of the free, the land where you pay $100,000 for simple procedures. The government is evil and won’t fund healthcare properly.

It took 200 people to save one boys life, but let’s just say this boy ran a blog online that exploited the evils of Islam (because he believes in equality and all that lovely stuff), and a local Extremist does not like this. He thought the boy was going to die from his ailment and is furious that people are trying to save the blasphemous boy’s life.  The extremist straps C4 to himself and runs into the hall and blows himself and everyone up in it.

It takes 200 people to save one life, yet it takes one life to take 201 lives.

This is why, I believe, humans are doomed.

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