2-year-old ran over twice, no one helps.

Viewer Discretion Advised.

So I was watching Lateline (which is an Australian late night newscast program) when this video was played.

For those who do not wish to watch the video, and I don’t blame you, it is footage of a person running a 2 year old baby with their car, stopping only for a moment, before slowly driving over the child again. Blood is obvious. Time elapses and multiple people walk past the screaming, bloodied baby, without doing anything. Yet even more blood is on the ground around the baby, no one could possibly mistake the screaming bloodied thing on the ground to be trash, like some people seem to think.Then another car runs over the baby’s legs, without stopping. A few more people ignore the child before, finally, a lady stops and yells for help.

Many people must be wondering how people could be so sick and heartless as to just walk past and COMPLETELY ignore the baby. It makes no sense. You’d think if you saw the same thing happen that you would be on the phone calling an ambulance in seconds.

This happened in China, and as I was reading about the issues, it turns out this is quite common. People often ignore crimes in China because, they fear that if they help out, they will be held responsible by a corrupt legal system.

I find this incredibly fascinating and horrifying at the very same time that a country’s government can be so corrupt, oppressive, and inhumane, that it could instill fear into its citizens that helping those in trouble will end in them being prosecuted.

Could you imagine walking down a street and seeing an old lady knocked out and mugged, but you can’t do anything because if you do, you could be prosecuted with the very crime you were trying to prevent? Neither can I, yet millions live like this in China.

The only positive thing that I saw out of this video was the fact that at least one person ended up helping. Then I read somewhere that she did it for the fame and reward only; this had my blood boiling, I thought she was even worse than the man who ran over the child in the first place. However, thankfully that information was incorrect. http://www.chinasmack.com/2011/stories/lady-who-helped-little-girl-run-over-by-van-rewarded-25k.html

The main thing that I take away from this story is how easily influenced we as humans are by power. I mean, I thought that we could be oppressed to the extent that we wouldn’t steal, speed, or use Google, but fucking hell, people can ignore a screaming bloodied baby with two fucking broken legs.

Either way, those people who simply walked past without even looking at the child by my definition, degenerate cunts. I do not use that word lightly under serious circumstance, but there is no other phrase that does it justice. Perhaps ‘scum’ would have sufficed, but scum can be cleaned away, unfortunately it is no legal to do the same with those people.

And I almost went a day without losing a little more faith in humanity. Almost.